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UTMB goodbye (July 2023)

Blessed and humbled by my time in Galveston as it draws to an end. A big thank you to my hosts Drs. Hani Serag and Hanaa Sallam for getting me to UTMB for my USAID postdoctoral fellowship under an agreement with Dr. Ali Massoud, the Egyptian Cultural Attache in Washington DC. Also very honored and fortunate to work with such an amazing and passionate professor, Dr. Thomas Smith, guiding me and teaching me the basics and hidden secrets of protein crystallography and protein biochemistry under appointment by Dr. Montgomery Pettitt. Hong Smith was my best friend and Faith and Mandi were two very kind-hearted and selfless friends in the lab. I also cannot forget to mention the Egyptian group of physicians that came to UTMB on the same fellowship. They made it feel like home :)

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